Saturday, February 29, 2020

7 Chankras Essay Example for Free

7 Chankras Essay ? Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. Chakras are part of the subtle anatomy. The seven major chakras line up from the crown of the head to the base of the spine and connect to various endocrine glands. Each major chakra is directly associated with many aspects of the mind-body-spirit dynamic. When a specific chakra is closed, distorted, or congested, the perception of stress, disease, or illness may result (Seaward, 2012, p. 72.) Of the seven major subtle energy chakras, Western culture only recognizes the seventh chakra, known as the crown chakra. The first chakra is known as the root chakra. It is found at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with safety and security issues; it represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) Furthermore, the root chakra is connected energetically to some organs of the reproductive system, hip joints, lower back, and pelvic area. Some health issues that are believed to correspond with disturbances of the root chakra include lower-back pain, sciatica, rectal difficulties, and some cancers (Seaward, 2012, p. 73.) Some of the emotional issues tied to the root chakra include survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) This chakra is known as the seat of the Kundalini energy, a spiritually based concept that is yet to be understood in Western culture (Seaward, 2012, p. 73.) If the Western Culture were to accept the root chakra, it would promote a deep, person al relationship with Earth and nature. When one is rooted in life, they are filled with satisfaction, stability and inner strength (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The second chakra, known as the sacral chakra, is associated with the sex organs, as well as personal power in terms of business and social relationships (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It describes our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. It is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The sacral charka deals with emotional feelings that are associated with issues of sexuality, sense of abundance, pleasure, and self-worth. When self-worth is viewed through external means like money, job, or sexuality, this created an energy distortion in this region. Obsessiveness with material gain is believed to be a means to compensate for low self-worth, therefore, created a distortion to this chakra. Some of the symptoms associated with this chakra include menstrual difficulties, infertility, vaginal infections, ovarian cysts, impotency, lower-back pain, sexual dysfunction, slipped disks, and b ladder and urinary infections (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) Accepting the sacral chakra would encourage people to more easily open themselves towards others, especially the opposite sex (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper stomach region, is the third chakra. This chakra feeds into the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the abdomen, small intestine, colon, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, and spleen. This region is associated with self-confidence, self-respect, and empowerment (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It relates to our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The solar plexus chakra is commonly known as a gut feeling – an intuitive sense closely connected to our level of personal power. Blockages to this chakra are thought to be related to ulcers, cancerous tumors, diabetes, hepatitis, anorexia, bulimia, and all stomach-related issues (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) Should the Western Culture accept the solar plexus chakra, it would promote feelings of peace and inner harmony within one’s self and in life. It would allow people to accept themselves complete ly, and respect the feelings and character traits of others (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The fourth chakra is known as the heart chakra. It is considered to be one of the most important energy centers of the body. The heart chakra refers to our ability to express love (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) It is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The heart is not the only organ closely tied to this chakra as the lungs, breasts, and esophagus are included. Symptoms of a blocked heart chakra include heart attacks, enlarged heart, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, bronchial difficulties, circulation problems, and problems associated with the upper back and shoulders. An important association exists between the heart chakra and the thymus gland. The thymus gland gets smaller with age and is believed to be a reflection of the state of the heart chakra (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) The advantage those in the Western Culture would see from accepting the heart chakra involve warmth, sincerity and happiness. These energies open th e hearts of others, inspiring confidence and creating joy among them (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The fifth charka is located and greatly connected to the throat. Organs associated with the throat chakra are the thyroid, parathyroid glands, mouth, vocal chords, and trachea. This chakra represents the development of personal expression, creativity, purpose in life, and willpower (Seaward, 2012, p. 74.) The inability to express oneself in feelings or creativity distorts the flow of energy to the throat chakra and is thought to result in chronic sore throat problems, throat and mouth cancers, stiffness in the neck area, thyroid dysfunction, migraines, and cancerous tumors in this region (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) Upon acceptance of the throat chakra, individual feelings, thoughts and inner knowledge could be expressed freely and without fear. Individuals are not manipulated by other’s opinions and they are able to stay true to who they really are without fear (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The sixth chakra, known as the brow or third eye, is located on the forehead, between the eye brows. It refers to our ability to focus on and see the big picture (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) This chakra is associated with intuition and the ability to access the ageless wisdom or bank of knowledge in the depths of the universal consciousness. As energy moves through the dimension of universal wisdom into this chakra, it promotes the development of intelligence and reasoning skills. The sixth chakra is directly connected with the pituitary and pineal gland and feeds energy to the brain for information processing. The wisdom channeled through the brow chakra is more universal in nature with implications for the spiritual aspect of life. Diseases caused by dysfunction of the brow chakra include brain tumors, hemorrhages, blood clots, blindness, comas, depression, and schizophrenia. These types of diseases are believed to be caused by an individual’s inability to see something that is extremely important to their soul growth (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) The biggest advantage to the acceptance of the third eye chakra is an increased ability of visualization and comprehension of things intuitively. In today’s society, too many people don’t trust their instincts (â€Å"The Human Chakra System,† 2009.) The seventh is the crown chakra. It is located at the very top of our head. It represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) The highest level of consciousness is reached when the crown chakra is fully open and functioning. Although no specific disease or illness may be associated the crown chakra, every disease has a spiritual significance (Seaward, 2012, p. 75.) Some of the emotional issues associated with this chakra include inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, and pure bliss (â€Å"The 7 Chakras for Beginners,† 2009.) Western Culture is accepting only of this chakra. In fact, it is highly useful in acupuncture therapy. Resources MindBodyGreen. (2009, October 27). The 7 Chakras for Beginners: Healing, balancing, and opening your chakras with exercises, foods, colors. Retrieved January 10, 2013 from Richards, R. (2009, September 20). The Human Chakra System. Retrieved January 10, 2013 from Seward, B. L. (2012). Managing Stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning 7 Chankras. (2016, Dec 10).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Does radio have a future A historical perspective Essay

Does radio have a future A historical perspective - Essay Example The next decade saw several radio experimenters building their own radio receivers and by the evening of November 2, 1920, Westinghouse has launched KDKA as the first commercially licensed radio station (Encyclop?diaBritannica, 2011). From 1920 onward phenomenal successes were made in radio technology and broadcasting through research activities in Europe, North America, and Asia. The phenomenal success in the art and science of radio has greatly influenced human activities ranging from politics, economics, culture, and religion (NationalMuseumofAmericanHistory, 1933; BBC, 1940; Saul, 2009). However, recent advances in science and technology offers the same if not better means of communications that the radio offers. For instance, the internet offers better and more glamorous means of advertisement and communicating then the radio. With the presence of these technologies, one could not help but ask: does the radio have a future? The article seeks to answer this question from a histor ical perspective. History of the radio The radio has come a long way. Its journey to its present status differs in different societies. Different rules and regulations govern radio broadcasting in different countries. Even it development differs. Thus the history of radio and radio broadcasting will be explored under different countries. Radio and radio broadcasting in the United States Reginald Fessenden, a Canadian working in the United States, developed the first known radio program in the United States. With the use of Alexanderson’s Alternator in his experimental station at Brant Rock, Mass., on Christmas Eve, 1906 he succeeded in transmitting the first radio program over several hundred miles. Many experimental stations subsequently sprang up following the relaxation of the military restriction of radio at the end of World War I. Most of these early radio stations were operated by individuals who pursued radio broadcasting as a hobby. As the number of people who want to hear music from the â€Å"air† increased, the demand for radio receivers suitable for operation by the layman increased. This increase justified the establishment of stations for the sole purpose of broadcasting entertainment and information programs. On the evening of November 2, 1920, the first commercially licensed radio station, KDKA in Pittsburgh went on air with a broadcast of the returns of the Harding/Cox presidential election. Following the success of the KDKA broadcast and the musical programs that were presented on air, several radio stations were established. Indeed, by the end of 1921, a total of eight radio stations were operating the United States. The sales of radio receiving sets and component parts for use in home construction of such set boomed between 1921 and 1922. A phenomenal increase in the number of radio stations follows with 564 radio stations licensed by Nov. 1, 1922. In 1922, long-distance wire telephone lines were used to connect a radio station in New York City with one in Chicago to facilitate the broadcasting of the description of a gridiron football game. This innovation introduced a new idea, radio networking, into radio broadcasting. In 1926 the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) purchased WEAF in New York

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Computerized provider order entry(CPOE) Assignment

Computerized provider order entry(CPOE) - Assignment Example These systems are used for various reasons in healthcare. It is worth noting that this system makes it possible for individuals in the health care industry to insert precise and detailed analytical information relating to results from medical investigations to identify presence of disease, prescription information, as well as nursing information and guidelines. This helps individuals to keep proper electronic records. CPOE is a computerized system that helps link medical practitioners with patients medical information, links a medical practitioner with his or her colleagues in the health sector, links all computerized systems in a health institution, and also links one medical unit with other units or departments. CPOE helps reduce errors in the medical field. Some of the information entered in the CPOE system include prescribed amounts of medicines, sensitivities, and patients medical history. Availability of all this information is important as it helps healthcare providers consider all the benefits and possible effects of medications and hence minimize inaccuracies. A methodical investigation conducted in Brigham and Womens Hospital focusing on the effectiveness of CPOE, there was a decline medical mistakes or inaccuracies by fifty five percent in a period of four and half years (Doolan and Bates, 2002) To understand the benefits of CPOE, it is imperative to compare it with paper-based systems. According to Doolan and Bates (2002), "The advantages of CPOE over paper-based methods include decreased transcriptions, increased accuracy and completeness, and the ability to enter orders in multiple locations" (A4). This systems also makes it possible for health care providers to make resolutions regarding the patients health status aptly and timely as all information is readily available and computerized. The implementation of CPOE improves competence and effectiveness in health delivery systems. This is